Meet The Dynamic Duo

Thursday, September 8, 2016

The Start of a Mischievous Adventure

Hi friends!

My name is Madeline Hill and I am a sophomore at Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas.

Laugh if you must, but my life-long dream has been to own a ferret. (Of course, by lifelong I mean my short existence of 20 years). However, no matter how hard I tried to convince my mom as a kid to let me own a ferret, I knew my chances were non-existent and I watched as my dreams withered away...

Although my mom never let me own a ferret during my childhood, everyone knows the cheesy line: "never give up on your dreams." And I refused to give up on mine.

After many years of patience, this past summer my dreams finally became a reality. I got my own apartment where I was given free reign over what animals resided there. And you guessed it, I bought a baby ferret and named him Clyde.

Now, I'm a firm believer that animals should have companions. The logical explanation would have been for me to purchase another ferret. Ferrets are sociable animals and they get along great with one another. There are very few cases in which ferrets do not get along...

So what did I do? Just the opposite.

I rescued a baby kitten from the humane shelter and named her Phinn. I looked up to the sky hoping that somehow this combination of a baby kitten and a baby ferret would work. If it didn't, I was in for a serious nightmare. However, life is all about taking risks, and mine seemed to pay off.

From the moment they met, Phinn and Clyde have been the best dynamic duo to exist. They cuddle with each other, clean one another, wrestle and play with each other, eat the same food, and most importantly, they both use the same litter box. (Which means less clean up for their mom, wahoo).

Every day with Phinn and Clyde is an adventure: their adventure. I'm just the lucky one who gets to be apart of it. This blog will be the grounds for the adventures of Phinn and Clyde.

But with adventure, mischief is always right around the corner...

Photo courtesy of myself, Madeline Hill


  1. Oh my gosh! They are so cute! One of my friends from high school had two ferrets and they were so fun to play with. I can't wait to read about the adventures you have had with Clyde and Phinn!

  2. Oh my gosh! They are so cute! One of my friends from high school had two ferrets and they were so fun to play with. I can't wait to read about the adventures you have had with Clyde and Phinn!

  3. That is the cutest picture of all time!
