Meet The Dynamic Duo

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Clyde's Big Day

Clyde had a day full of adventure and freedom yesterday.

He went on his first ever walk... outside!

Before domestication, ferrets were outdoor hunters. They would hunt rabbits and mice for their masters. By nature, they are carnivores, and Clyde's natural habitat would be the great outdoors. So, I thought to myself: I should let him experience all the wonderful things nature has to offer.

I put a collar on him, connected the leash, and we set out for an adventure. However, an adventure of this magnitude involves some extra explanation other than digital words.

Listen to the podcast and watch the videos below to learn all about Clyde's first experience outdoors.


  1. Oh my gosh his collar is so cute! He did so well with it!

  2. I have never seen a ferret outside before on a walk! That is the cutest thing ever!
